Friday 28 November 2008


Star wars episode IV opening sequence

Camera work and editing
'Star Wars, A New Hope' was released on 27th December 1977, and at this time the camera work and editing was groundbreaking, however compared to the special effects of today's films it is pretty poor.
The camera shots vary within the film, however again these are very simple and plain, such as simple panning, zooms, close-ups and mid/long shots.

'Star Wars' is well known for its famous theme tune, which plays during certain clips of the film, also in the opening sequence. during the opening sequence we have a scene of diegetic speech between two characters. also some sound effects such as lasers and explosions this helps to add realism to the film. however some of the sounds are rather unrealistic in some situations, this may be due to the lack of technology and knowledge in the years in which this film was made.

'Star Wars' is set in outter space, therefore alot of scenery and props were used to create the realism of the film. all the characters in this film has specific costumes which were made aspeshually for the actor/actress. during fighting scenes, stunts were used and explosions were created to, again, bring the beleif that it was actually real.

the lighting used in 'Star Wars' varied from scene to scene. but overall alot of lightening was used within the space ship to help make props and scenery look as if it was in the future. occassionaly less lighting will have been used to create darkness and a scaryier mood for scenes of which fightening, death or sadness accured.

This sequence does not include main titles of producers, directers etc. however it includes the main title 'STAR WARS' which appears on the screen in font that is advertised as a star wars font. the text slowly fades away into the distance, which leads into a brief story description of the beggining of the films storys. this also appears and slowly leads back and fades into the distance.

The opening sequence for 'Star Wars' opens with a descriptions of the beginning of the films story's, this helps the audience to gain an understanding of the film before it has even started. this is good for the younger generation, as it helps them to imagine the scene and story. Stars Wars is a Si-fi.

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